Representation for Your
Guardianship Case in Buffalo, NY
When people hear the term “guardian,” most probably think of an adult having legal guardianship over a child. However, one party can also have legal guardianship of an incapacitated adult or a developmentally disabled person in New York State as well. Legal guardians typically have both legal and physical custody of the child or individual.
The law firm of Tronolone & Surgalla, P.C. can assist in cases of guardianship in the Buffalo, NY area, including family court cases. We have been representing people just like you in these cases since 1987 and we’re ready to help you, too!
Our Custody and Family Lawyers will Fight to
Get You the Outcome You Desire!
Depending on the type of guardianship involved, these cases can be heard in family court, the State Supreme Court, or the Surrogate’s Court. No matter which court your case goes to, we’re always ready to fight to make sure your rights are protected under the law. While we seek to resolve cases as quickly as possible, we also have plenty of courtroom and litigation experience should your case go to court.
Call our firm today and schedule a free consultation regarding your guardianship case. We’ll go over every aspect of your case, answer any questions you may have, and give you all the time and attention you deserve as our client.
Learn what to expect in Family Court here.